There are places less significant
than this: gnarled trees,
the barn with the face of an old man
carved in its slates, the stagnant
black well. There were seasons
stacked like fields, rounded
haybails left out to dry,
the berry bush tangled
in weeds; each red fruit
choking. We gathered them
thinking of mulberry seeds
and imagined the pie.
There are reasons for leaving-
when the snow came down
grey ducks would fly
in V's precise as decision,
the pond still and mourning
in the farmer-child's eye.
Here to the touch, delicate or chaste,
'reasons for leaving
when the snow came down
greay ducks would fly
in V's precise as decision,
the pond still and mourning
in the farmer-child's eye.'
It works, all of it, not just the words and lines, quoted,
the snow, the ducks, the V shape a formation in movement,
lastly 'the pond
still and mouring ' few poets write in this style and 'get away with it' while keeping it all real and authentic, but you do.
Naturally there's the narrative in your poem, a narrative implicit and all the more powerful for being tacit.
The anonymous opinion is often worth more than the heralded. I appreciate your comments!
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